Thursday, December 18, 2008

Snow Day in Seattle

I was working in my office downstairs because it was a snow day. I was wearing my headphone and listening to music. Vega walked in...

Vega: "Hi Daddy, can I listen to your headphones please?"
Daddy: "Sure, hear you go", I turned down the volume, selected some music she would like and give them to her

Vega puts on headphones and starts dancing

... a minute passes ...

Vega takes the headphones off
Vega: "Here you go daddy. I can't dance right now, I'm too busy. I have things to do"
Vega leaves room

Later, while putting Vega to bed, again...

Daddy: "Why are you crying?"
Vega: "Because I can't sleep Daddy"
Daddy: "Do you want to sleep or do you want to stay up and cry?"
Vega: "I want to stay up and cry"
Daddy: "Ok"
Vega looks very very confused and stops crying

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