Sunday, December 21, 2008

Bizarre Bedtime

Normally when I put Vega to bed it's a long process of convincing her it's time for bed, putting her back in bed when she get's up, etc. Last night it went a little different. She was playing with me in the living room, when all of a sudden...

Vega: Oh no!
Daddy: What's wrong?
Vega: I have to go to bed, I'm really tired!

Vega then turned around and ran out of the room and up the stairs.

Vega: Come on Daddy, I want to go to bed.

The entire time while I was getting her ready for bed she was really cooperative and talked a ton.

Vega: I like to play chase
Daddy: Who do you like to play chase with
Vega: My brother, you, my mommy
Daddy: Who else?
Vega: Umm
Daddy: What about Niall?
Vega: Umm, no, he's too busy.
Daddy: Doing what?
Vega: He's busy playing with his toys right now.

Vega: When I grow up I can have grown up drinks
Daddy: What kind of grown up drinks.
Vega: Umm, beer, umm, and coffee
Daddy: What else?
Vega: More beer.

Vega: I'm gonna grow up big and tall and I can't fit in my own bed anymore and I'll be sad.
Vega: Look at my bed. It's very beautiful. It's really cool. Do you like it?
Vega: We went to Texas to see my grandmommy. She is very nice. I love her.

After talking talking talking the whole time we got ready for bed, she jumped into bed and yelled...


And did...

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