Sunday, June 29, 2008

Camping at Lake Wenatchee

This weekend we went to Lake Wenatchee to go camping with the kids. We left Seattle Saturday morning since we didn't want Deklan's first camping trip to be a two day event. The drive was nice though Vega was freaking by the time we pulled in to the campsites. In fact she was freaking out so much at one point that I had to pull over and talk to her on the side of the road. She had a time out under a big tree.

The lake is gorgeous. The first place we went to was way around the left side of the lake. The road to the campsite is pretty crazy with steep slopes on either side. The driveways for people's lake cabins were basically sheer dropoffs. The campsites we found were great, but the mosquitoes were relentless so we decided to try a different campsite. This site appeared to be better but later when I was setting up the tent I discovered how horrible they were. After quickly setting up the tent we went to the lake shore where somebody said "ouch, looks like you got bit too". My face was covered in bites.

The lake itself was great. No mozzies, warm & sunny. The water was absolutely freezing but Vega didnt' seem to mind. Especially because whenever she got too cold she had a dad around to pick her up. We spent a ton of time in the water and once you got used to it the temp wasn't that bad.

Back at the campsite, Athena and Deklan stayed in the tent while Vega and I built a fire. She was so good at listening to instructions! She helped me gather kindling, she helped me stack up the wood in the fire pit. She stayed back while I cut down the logs with my ax and never tried to touch the fire. She had a blast though stomping around the campsite and naming things. Once the sun was down and the fire was going, the mozzies seemed to go away so we hung out by the fire for a bit before going to bed. Vega and Deklan both slept really well.

Since the mosquitoes were waiting for us in the morning we decided to have breakfast in Leavenworth before heading back to Seattle.